Tuesday, September 25, 2018

When nothing Goes Right !


Image result for nothing goes right

When you feel nothing goes right in life...

Nothing you plan works accordingly...

You don’t know what to do to come out of this state...

Don't know what's the purpose of life...


Just PAUSE and set back a little..

If possible, go for a vacation where you get total peace and change,

and allow ‘LIFE’ to happen in its own way.


Sometimes we need to pause even our efforts and hardworks and allow life to happen naturally !

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Happy Women's Day !

A day to remember and thank each those wonderful ladies in your life..
She loves and fights with you as a Sister..
Advice and understand you as a good Friend..
Doubles your happiness and halves your sorrows as a sweet Girl Friend..
Cherish each moment with you and fights the world for you as a Companion..
She is Soft like a petal yet Strong like cast iron
She is Tender like melodies yet Tough like a warrior
She is Cute like a teddy yet have Claws like a bear
She is Adorable like a garland yet Affectionate like a mother
She is a blessing yet she doesn't understand at times !
Enjoy Womanhood...!!!